Saturday, October 22, 2011

Working on it!!!! Photo Shoot Fun!!!!!

Funnest photo shoot ever, who woulda thought a girl in heels could connect with a hacky consistently. made for great shots tho, heres a teaser and my pick for my catalogue image. 

Body: Georgie D - Ali McD, Face: Leila George, Pix: Teryn Harris.

Model dressed in Lycra and chiffon Bodysuit, Starfish garment, knitted Dinosaur Hood.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fashioning The Future Awards - London College of Fashion

This work is currently going through the second round of judging for the Fashioning the Future Awards at the London College of Fashion. It has been entered in the Unique category. I don't know when I will know any more details but it's exciting for it just to be shortlisted, that's acknowledgement enough that the idea is plausible. Here are some pictures so you can see better what I did with the waste materials.

Why Waste? Merino Dress - Front

 Body: Ilish Thomas - AliMcD Agency
 Face: Katy Parsons
 Pix: Charlotte McLachlan
Why Waste? Merino Dress - Back
Waste Me? Merino Singlet, Love Me? Lycra Leggings - Back.

Waste Me? Merino Singlet, Love Me? Lycra Leggings - Front

Waste This? Merino Top, Love Me? Lycra Leggings - Back

Waste This? Merino Top, Love Me? Lycra Leggings - Front.

Designer - Fiona Clements, model - Ilish Thomas - Ali McD Agency

If you want more info on this competition see this website 

Fashioning the Future Awards Showcase
The winners and a selection of their work will be presented at an exclusive ceremony in The East Wintergarden at Canary Wharf on Thursday 10 November 2011.
Winning designs and selected shortlisted entries will be presented in a public exhibition in The East Wintergarden from 11-13 November 2011.
Canary Wharf, named as one of the Sunday Times Best Green Companies in Britain, have partnered with Centre for Sustainable Fashion to showcase the Fashioning the Future Award winners 2011.

Friday, October 7, 2011

experiment 10 + experiment 5 = awesum!!!!!!!

starfish pants!!!
Experiment 5 cut and pasted into starfish shaped pant/cape/woteva!!!!(experiment 10) wear it your own way type garment!!! I am working with a tie system so it can be worn gathered or not as well. It is a One Size Fits Most garment!!!! I am definitely beginning to see my garments in a contemporary dance situation. That would be awesum to see!!!
Although their down fall is that it takes time to lace the ties through the outer leg seams, and waist/wherever. But this gives the wearer the chance to know the garment and wear it in their own way, thus creating a relationship. excellent!!! Also made from rubbish!!!!!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

one hour zerowaste t-shirt !!!

zerowaste t-shirt 1

zerowaste t-shirt 2

dynamics of a simple zerowaste t-shirt
me n my new t-shirt

zerowaste t-shirt made in an hour, very simple idea, take a rectangle fold it in half sew some shoulders, side seams and a tunnel at the bottom for a tie, which had been cut off the fabric earlier to bring it down to the right size. Then hem the left over holes as arm and neck holes. I made the blue one ages ago and its one of my favourite shirts. It has small gathers in one side seam and both shoulder seams. It is cotton so is excellent in summer, the orange one however is some retro polyester and it doesn't wear well in hot weather or dancing extreme times. must remember that!!!!