2.a particular, distinctive, or characteristic mode of action or manner of acting: They do these things in a grand style.
3.a mode of living, as with respect to expense or display.
4.an elegant, fashionable, or luxurious mode of living: to live in style.
5.a mode of fashion, as in dress, especially good or approved fashion; elegance; smartness.
trend: noun
1.the general course or prevailing tendency; drift: trends in the teaching of foreign languages; the trend of events.
2.style or vogue: the new trend in women's apparel.
3.the general direction followed by a road, river, coastline, or the like.
Here's what these words actually mean. What they don't mean is that just because something is "in" you should wear it, maybe just maybe it actually doesn't suit your body type, maybe its best to find your own style and explore different ways of dressing until you find something that makes you look fabulous.
What I would love people to see is how unglamourous the fashion world and system actually is, most people see this industry from the outside, they don't understand how it works as a system. The current system is very wasteful and harmful to people and the environment, do you really know where that t-shirt came from? how it was made? where the cotton was grown and what conditions underpaid people had to work under to produce that garment? Do you care that we have too much? that our world is being saturated with badly made, cheap knockoffs so you can feel happy that you have that label sitting on your back. Does it make you feel good?
Does the truth have any relevance to you? Of course it does but are you willing to learn, look and understand why we need a change towards a more holistic fashion system. The words ethical, sustainable and green are passed around a lot these days but what does that actually mean when it comes to the clothes we wear?
For most people it means buying something that has these 'labels' as part of their selling point. As we live in a consumer driven society we have a responsibility to let you know where, how and why these things matter. So you can make the ethical choice.
For me it means educating consumers and designers about the wastefulness of our current fashion system. And consumers making the right choices with knowledge gained through labels being more open and honest. Also to head towards a time where we have sustainable wardrobes, where we make long term purchases and our clothes are of a quality and personal style. Where we care for what we have purchased to have longevity in our staple garments. Where designers are more responsible for their actions.
This is the future of the fashion industry, a long term solution for an already saturated environment. Where we head towards more localized community based production, paying people what they are worth and to make,mend and recycle.
This is my goal to show, educate and help others towards a more holistic fashion environment.
Senorita Awesumo