Thursday, November 18, 2010

just had the most epic ending to my second year at otago polytech, creating the pop up store for our end of year exhibition space, even managed to get into the local papers, this has been the hardest year ever for me, and i'm glad its almost at completion, now onto my summer projects - making a frock coat from the 1860's for the fire service's 150th celebrations in march 2011, one more year to go, then who knows where life's gonna take me but i'm definetely looking forward to it.

i must thank sholto, alan, carl and sam for staying until the end last thursday we all worked 16 1/2 hours that day to get it finished and we made an amazing store, and now students can make some money from their work, yay!!!!! being a team poppa is hard work and you boys made it easy, peace!!!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

TAFTA fibre design book

just had some work accepted for judging to go into the Tafta fibre design book, , which is quite exciting, YAY! so finally all 3 of my works for the Novadown Fashioned Feathers competition will be collated together in one space. I hope i get thru, peace!

Te Aniwaniwa Manu, 2010.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Fashioned Feathers 2010

well its been and gone, i received the creative flair award, pictures are @ check it.

i will be posting construction details at a later date.


senorita awesumo

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Fashioned Feathers 2010

i have just completed my entry for this years fashioned feathers. it has been a long hard road of work to get it finished, although i could have gone on for days adding to it. I had to just stop and say Kua ea! Unfortunately i cannot put pictures up until after the show on the 28th April. i will also put up construction details so you can see my process. Well i guess good luck to me, here's hoping i win again. peace

Friday, February 12, 2010

beach treasure

i am lucky enough to live by the beach, i take thanks in this everyday, but most especially on the days i find some great beach treasure. the other day i was at the beach and i saw a fluffy blue thing floating around in the shallows. on closer inspection i found it to be the carcass of a bird with all its insides gone, a few bones still attached and a beautiful plumage of blue and white. So me being me and because i am working on a project involving feathers i decided i should keep it. so i ripped the bones off and kept the feathers. the whole thing is now drying in the sun and hopefully i will be able to pull the feathers off it once its dry. its kinda gruesome i know but where else i am going to get blue feathers from a natural source without paying $80 for a piece. well the beach thats where. and well i consider any recycling to be good recycling so why not. and it made my day very happy to be able to do that.
